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Snowdonia under attack!

Land October 15, 2016
The exercise saw a battle for an airfield and power station in Snowdonia North Wales

Soldiers from three different continents have carried out a simulated battle in Snowdonia. Leading the most ambitious exercise they have ever conducted, was the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC).

The exercise saw a battle for an airfield and power station undertaken in the North Wales national park.

In the mock scenario, elements of the HAC had to protect Llanbedr airfield and the Trawsfynydd decommissioned power station, with patrols from the regiment keeping it under surveillance. Supporting the exercise were soldiers from Malaysia, Japan and Ireland, as well as personnel from the US Army and US Marines.

The HAC, who regularly train in Wales, is the oldest regiment in the British Army with a history dating back to 1537. They are the Army’s only Reserve Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) Regiment and exist to support the Regular Army on operations.

Defence Minister Mark Lancaster attended the event.


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British Army exercise HAC Reserves Snowdon US Army

Post written by: Vicky Maggiani

Vicky has worked in media for over 20 years and has a wealth of experience in editing and creating copy for a variety of sectors.


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