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DPRTE 2018 – the UK’s premier defence procurement – event kicks off tomorrow at Cardiff’s Motorpoint Arena, granting attendees access to the DPRTE Product Showcase Exhibition (featuring over 125 suppliers), Live Keynote Arena, four Knowledge Transfer Zones and five Networking and Collaboration Zones.

Ahead of the event, Defence Online Editor Matt Brown spoke with Alistair Riches, Commercial Director of British International Helicopter Services Limited to discuss the company’s presence and ambitions for the event.


What differentiates DPRTE from other events in the defence calendar for British International Helicopters?

DPRTE is the primary defence community event on our calendar.  The combination of the right stakeholders, in the right environment, with the right opportunities to engage makes DPRTE our first choice.

What opportunities do events like DPRTE afford the defence community?

DPRTE offers the defence community the chance to engage with suppliers and partners who have the capabilities to meet their needs today, tomorrow and in the future.  The opportunity to see what is on the market now and in the future can help the Defence procurement community shape their expectations and tendering processes, and help suppliers focus their efforts.

What are you most looking forward to during DPRTE 2018?

DPRTE provides a balanced agenda of insightful presentations and a great opportunity to interact one to one with key stakeholders.  By engaging face to face, we best understand our customers’ needs and therefore we can meet those needs with a safe, efficient and cost-effective solution.

You are delivering a session at the Technology and Innovation Zone – can you give us a sneak preview on what you will be discussing?

I am delivering a presentation on the Transferability of Capability – Military to Civil and vice versa in the Technology and Innovation Zone at 2pm.  At British International Helicopters, we offer innovative solutions to aviation challenges in both the military and civil sectors, based on an agile approach which includes offering the best in people and technology.  The capabilities we offer our customers use skills and technology from across both military and civil backgrounds, which means we understand first-hand how transferable capabilities can be, and therefore we understand how to provide the best solutions to our customers’ challenges.

We hear a lot on the crucial role of innovative technology but how important is it for innovation to be applied to people’s skills?

An innovative approach to use of technology often results in effective and value for money solutions.  The same applies to people’s skills; adapting competence in one environment or industry to use in another can result in successful solutions.  My presentation highlights examples of the innovative transfer of technology and skills in order to produce solutions to challenges in the military and civil environments.

What are British International Helicopters hopes for the event?
DPRTE is a well regarded and well attended annual event.  Having presented at DPRTE 2017, this year we anticipate the same level of informed engagement and first-hand interaction with key stakeholders across the defence sector.   British International Helicopters is an innovative and agile company providing aviation solutions in both the military and civil sectors, and we value the opportunities DPRTE events offer.

Finally, where can attendees find British International Helicopters at DPRTE and what can they expect?

I will be at the conference all day and delivering a presentation highlighting the Transferability of Capability between the Military and Civil sectors in the Technology and Innovation Zone at 2pm.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic chance to attend, sponsor or exhibit at DPRTE 2018, book now at

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British International Helicopters DPRTE 2018

Post written by: Matt Brown


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